Sunday, August 12, 2012

Day 2 so much to do..continued!

The Secret task #2 : Make a list of things for which you are grateful

Lets start with music, I am so grateful for the ability to listen to music. I am very grateful to have all of my limbs, to not have any disability. I am grateful for my health. Family comes right after that I may be disappointed by them and they may drive me crazy but my huge and infuriating family is something I can't imagine a life without. Next there is my friends, my high school chums that have stuck with me for these 10 years, especially my best friend Denise; without which I think I would be on the track to be a paralegal only dreaming of taking the time to write, bored out of my mind day in and day out. I am grateful for my mother, grateful that she supports my crazy ideas. I am so grateful to live in America where anything is possible. I am so grateful to live in a time that doesn't shun me for being a woman but will actually help me more because it, such as with government business loans. I am grateful for my mind, for the thoughts that invade my head on a day to day basis that I feel must be unique because everyone seems to think in a way that is so similar to the way they speak, whereas my thoughts are many voices all at once accompanied with images and snipets of what I can only describe as video, random characters doing out of character things every time I close my eyes. I am grateful for the ability to learn, to read, to think, to analyze, to remember. I am grateful for the internet because it gives me the power to meet people from all over the world, to express myself and have people care, to care for people I would most likely never have met, to be welcomed into a life I would not have known existed. I believe that dimensions are no more than each persons world, the way they view it, the life they have. I can never experience what another being is experiencing, I will always have my unique outlook, I will feel, and judge and dream differently than anyone I encounter and I love that. 

Day 2 The Secret

(currently listening to tongue tied by Grouplove)

Veronica Pickles

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